PUBG Mobile vs Call of Duty Mobile
PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) is a battle royale-style multiplayer online game, and Pubg Mobile made its name in a very short time. It has changed the mobile games industry and gained a separate gaming audience and fans for PUBG. But soon after the Pubg got its real challenger from Activision's, which is Call of Duty: Mobile. Call of Duty(COD) gaming series already had an audience based since 2003, and its arrival at the mobile platform has reconnected that audience again. Both of the games are built heavily on graphics and its element of realism, intense combat, different gameplay mode, and multiplayer options. But what are the real difference between these two mobile games? Let's compare both in terms of game modes, gameplay, graphics & more.
In gameplay, there is a big difference between these two games, Although both of them have FPP (First Person Perspective) and TPP (Third Person Perspective). It has different shooting styles, bullet travel, damage, and recoil. In a non-battle royal mode, you create a class before joining any game, and you can customize any loadout before entering into the battle royal. But in PUBG, you will have to start with traditional gameplay, i.e., Hunt for your supplies. Inside the game, PUBG and COD are a little similar in aiming and shooting the object. In PUBG, it only has a single method of shooting, whereas Call of Duty has two shooting modes, one is the beginner mode where gun fires automatically whenever the cross-hair is on the enemy player. The other mode in COD aims the sight and then fires automatically whenever you press the shoot button. Despite having both of the modes, it also has a shooting button on the screen if you want to fire manually as required. Call of Duty: Mobile has versatility in gameplay and shooting; that's the reason a lot of new audiences are getting hooked to this game. Talking about Enemy Damage and Bullet Dynamics. In PUBG Mobile, there is no drop in bullet at any distance; you can shoot enemies who are 400meter away by a low powered SMG Gun. But it's not the case in Call of Duty Mobile, and you will need a Sniper rifle to shoot long distance. Otherwise, it's impossible to shoot long-distance enemies. In PUBG, the enemy indicator will not appear until they are super close to you, whereas you will need a bullet drop in Call of Duty.
Game Modes
Call of Duty offers various multiplayer modes, and that's the reason why anyone would like to play this game. The popular with the gaming audience are Domination, Deathmatch, Frontline, Free-for-all, and Search and Destroy. All modes will give you a super-fast game action where you will get unlimited respawns until you and your team reaches the score limit. COD also has a separate Rank mode, where you can increase your rank by playing in the above-mentioned game modes, and here you are matched with all players who are at a similar rank. Now comparing these game modes with PUBG Mobile, It also has different modes, but none of them are as breathtaking as Call of Duty. The War Mode in PUBG will give you some fast action, but it will not take you to that adrenaline level.
The main attraction of PUBG is the classic battle royale, which is played mostly by its audience. But again, there are very limited things as compared to Call of Duty. In COD, the battle royale has custom classes, scorestreak perks, smaller maps, zombies, helicopter rides, and more locations. Overall the game modes of Call of Duty are a Top-Notch as compare to PUBG.
Game Graphics & Maps
Another major faction that took a lot of gamers to Call of Duty is multiplayer maps like Hijack, KillHouse, Crash & Nuketown. As compared to PUBG, you will be stuck to only four big maps. Talking about the graphics, COD has given a very smooth frame rate on One Plus 7, MI Note 7 Pro and Samsung Galaxy A80, the game itself is very optimized as per the graphics. The frame rate is incredibly fast as compared to PUBG, and graphics are better. For e.g In Call of Duty, if you throw a grenade on the wall, the environment will change after the explosion, but it will not happen in PUBG. The graphic texture and details are very realistic in Call of Duty, but PUBG doesn't have those realistic graphics.
Graphics: Unreal Engine 4 Vs Unity engine
Call of Duty is powered by the Unity Engine, and PUBG Mobile runs on the Unreal Engine. The Unreal Engine is used with realistic photo visualization, and the Unity Engine required a lot of work to make it look realistic material. As a result, you will see that COD has a lot of dense and detailed graphics, and PUBG has more fine details. This is the major difference that anyone can spot in both of the games. In PUBG, you will find that there is a little open space for the player, but in COD, things are a bit restricted in terms of maps. The graphics details like ammunition on the ground are not pretty clean or not properly visible in COD, but it is clearly visible in PUBG. As for graphics and game elements, many gamers like the gaming environment of call of duty due to its destructible things like Windows, Door & Fence, etc. You can smash those things, but in PUBG, the game environment is but different, you can destroy doors but cannot do anything on other parts of elements. Also, Call of Duty Mobile has a lot of explosions in gameplay as compared to PUBG.
Game Verdict
Call of Duty and PUBG both are such games which brought revolutions in mobile gaming, and mobile phone industries, The release of PUBG in 2018 made a huge impact in the gaming industry, but as the time passed by, PUBG finally got its true competitor who has a big advantage in all aspect of gameplay and graphics. It might be very early to say that which is the best mobile game because both games are constantly releasing updates to compete with each other. I'll leave it up to you to decide which is the best game according to you? Have you played any yet ?
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