PUBG Mobile vs Call of Duty Mobile
PUBG (PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds) is a battle royale-style multiplayer online game, and Pubg Mobile made its name in a very short time. It has changed the mobile games industry and gained a separate gaming audience and fans for PUBG. But soon after the Pubg got its real challenger from Activision's, which is Call of Duty: Mobile. Call of Duty(COD) gaming series already had an audience based since 2003, and its arrival at the mobile platform has reconnected that audience again. Both of the games are built heavily on graphics and its element of realism, intense combat, different gameplay mode, and multiplayer options. But what are the real difference between these two mobile games? Let's compare both in terms of game modes, gameplay, graphics & more. Gameplay: In gameplay, there is a big difference between these two games, Although both of them have FPP (First Person Perspective) and TPP (Third Person Perspective). It has different shooting styles, bullet travel...